25 November 2013

Steven Appleby Talk

It's been a pleasure to have Steven Appleby in the studio for an amazing talk about his varied practice. We were very lucky to see some of  his original artwork for newspapers such as the Guardian and excerpts of animated films and series, as well as listen to a radio show for the BBC! 
He's been really kind to bring a wide selection of his published books but also some of his earlier projects which gave us an exciting peek into a very prolific illustrator's carreer.

21 November 2013

The Moral theatre

Really varied and imaginative work from Year 1 who constructed 3d models to tell a story. 
The adaptations were based on a selection of fables and it was great to see the students tackling the idea of illustration in a three-dimentional context. We saw some good paper-engineering and model making and some pretty impressive dioramas. Well done everyone!

20 November 2013

Nobrow talk

A great talk by Nobrow last week at the Illustration studios. Sam spoke in length about their very first screen printed editions and the progress of the press, their fascination with the Ladybird books and lots of insightful information about the printing process and practical considerations. There were beautiful postcards for everyone to take away at the end!

6 November 2013

Comica 2013

The Illustration course at UCA and the Lion & Lamb Press took part in the annual Comica Festival again this year with some great books from current students, alumni and staff. Third year work included Matthew Alker's and Simon Bridgland's narrative books which were beautifully drawn and produced, Berenice Termote's book of 'Strangers', Libby Parra's 'Monsters' and an innovative typographic book by Daniella Fox. 
We were also very proud to show books by the second year students Beth Peters and Mitko Karakolev as well as MA student Jayesh Sivan.

Our alumni Eddie O'P and the 'Mute Goat Collective' were also there!

16 October 2013

Mini Exhibition - Year 2

Some very interesting and diverse work from the second year students, who only had an hour to put together a mini exhibition! The work presented was a result of drawing and researching at the V&A and the Science museum and the group interpretations include books, pamphlets, narratives, interrelating drawings and 3d pieces amongst others.

9 October 2013

Welcome Year 1 !

We had a great start of the year making puppet theatres during the induction week. The first years treated us to some really fun performances and we witnessed some pretty inventive interpretations of the Greek myths. Narcissus & Echo won the loudest applause!

17 June 2013

B.A Illustration Degree show 2013

Congratulations to our Yr 3 Illustration students
on the success of their final degree show held
at The Rag Factory, London, this June.

Well done, good luck and farewell class of 2013!