photo by Thijs (Sint-Lucas, Gent)
drawings by Peth Peters (UCA Illustration, Farnham)
The spring term saw the second installation of The Slow Commute. The idea for the project began as a conversation between U.C.A Illustration and Belgian Institute St-Lucas Beeldende Kunst, Gent about the mutual concern with reportage illustration, the process of travel and the role of the illustrator as interpreter and documenter. The idea grew into an international student exchange incorporating Burg Giebichstein, Halle (D), VSUP, Prague (CZ), Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw (PL). The project would most importantly bring together students from varied and diverse cultural backgrounds who would be joined in kinships through the sharing of experiences and ideas about illustration and the potential of the medium.
This year the Slow Commute was hosted by the Burg Giebichenstein university of Art and Design. Beginning their journey at the former Berlin wall crossing Checkpoint Charlie the students spent 10 days journeying from Berlin South West to Halle.